Thursday, October 14, 2010

Top 6 Scary Videogame Characters

This is mainly my response to Mitch's list, but it also serves to be my newest blog post in how long.

Big Sisters
-Bioshock 2-

Now these girls aren't that frightening in appearance, but that confrontation is quite unsettling. From the music that plays to how bloody fast she is to her plethora of psychic powers, fighting these baddies is not an easy task right away. The Big Sisters only come after you deal with all the Little Sisters in the level so their appearance isn't completely unexpected, but the fight definitely gets the heart pounding and the palms sweating when you have no clue where the dame is coming from.

Alma Wade
-F.E.A.R. Series-

Let's have everyone understand this now. Little girls are creepy. Add one to a horror game and frights are almost assured. Add one to a horror game with psychic powers and things only get worse. Now add a little girl in a horror game with psychic powers who is also REALLY pissed off. That girl is Alma Wade. Now without ruining plot points for the F.E.A.R. games all I'll say is that this is one little girl I would NEVER want to babysit. She can corrupt the world around her, make people see visions of anything, and most horribly she can make people burst into a cloud of blood and turn the bones to dust. Every time I've ever seen her I've either jumped or at the very least said "oh, crap this can't be good."


Anyone who has ever played Minecraft knows how terribly scary these things are. To anyone who doesn't play Minecraft: 1) shame on you. 2) these are the beasts nightmares are made of.

Pyramid Head
-Silent Hill 2-

Well this one is a given. Faceless, backstory-less murdering machine, Pyramid Head holds a high point in just about every list of "scary baddies" ever printed.

The Crusader
-Clive Barker's Jericho-

Well this one was cut a bad break. He's in a trailer for a game that was unfortunately terrible, and worst off that's the ONLY place you'll see this guy, since he isn't even in the game. I'll let the video speak for itself, but despite the negativity The Crusader had to be included because he is just so cool.


This one is interesting because it isn't a single character. This one is an ENTIRE. GAME. Now the first rule for playing this game is that you know nothing about it, so I will not say anything about the game except that nothing is ever as it seems. It's a free download (for Windows only unless you run Wine) and you can find it by simply using Google. So to anyone who wants to see why this is here: go get this game.

This is it for now, I may edit later with more but I think this is a good place to end it.

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